This Week in Lovettsville

This Week in Lovettsville:
Tuesday, January 21st
7:00PM – Town Hall Chambers
Commerce and Business Development Committee
Wednesday, January 22nd
6:00PM – Town Hall Chambers
Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office | De-escalation Training
Thursday, January 23rd
6:30PM – Town Hall Chambers
Town Council Meeting
With lows Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights in the single digits, there is a concern with freezing water meters. As a precaution, the Utility Department suggests leaving a faucet to drip on the highest floor of the house. This will keep a minimal amount of water moving, to possibly prevent the water meter from freezing.
In case of a water outage, please call the on-call utility operator at 540-609-4001or 540-609-4000.
Planning Commission & Board of Zoning Appeals
The Town of Lovettsville currently has vacancies on the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. Applications will be accepted through Friday, January 31st with interviews tentatively scheduled for Thursday, February 6th.
Completed applications can be emailed to [email protected], delivered to Town Hall, or dropped off at the Town Administrative drop-box, located beside the Lovettsville Museum. Questions can be sent to [email protected].
Application: ⤵️
Town Committee Applications
It’s that time of year again! The Town of Lovettsville is now accepting applications for all positions on the Commerce and Business Development Committee, Infrastructure Committee, and Events Committee for 2025.
Joining a Committee, Commission, or Board is a great opportunity to share your ideas, voice your opinions, and actively contribute to shaping the Town’s future. Whether it’s Town events, capital improvement projects, economic development initiatives, or advising Town Council on important topics, your participation and input can make a meaningful difference.
Completed applications can be emailed to [email protected], delivered to Town Hall, or dropped off at the Town Administrative drop-box, located beside the Lovettsville Museum. Questions can be sent to [email protected].
Application: ⤵️
Wednesday, January 22nd
6:00PM – Town Hall Chambers
Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office | De-escalation Training
The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office invites you to attend a De-escalation Training Presentation on Wednesday, January 22nd, at 6:00 p.m. in Town Chambers.
This is an excellent opportunity to:
✅ Learn effective communication techniques to defuse tense situations.
✅ Gain tools to navigate conflict with confidence.
✅ Understand how to create safer interactions at home, work, and in the community.
Whether you’re a resident, a business owner, or both, this training is designed to equip you with skills to handle challenging scenarios constructively and calmly.
Please visit to view upcoming meeting agendas and documents, view project updates, and more!
Have a great week!